Monday, December 10, 2007

Doing something great with Java

Last Friday, our junior programmers from ISM001 presented (for the first time in their life) their Java project to the rest of the class. While some of their works are more outstanding than the others, all of them have spent great effort in the project and I hope they enjoy the process of programming.

The requirements are written in the Project Guideline.

Some of the works are particularly impressive. They are:


Java Game—逃出嶺南NAB系列(一) by Fung Ting Pong and Ching Ho Yee:

這遊戲是逃出嶺南NAB系列中的第一隻 → 「脫逃!!!NAB204!!!」...... 遊戲講述一個學生在NAB204下課後覺得疲累﹐但又要等組員討論某科project﹐所以在NAB204睡了一會。當他睡醒﹐發現整個房間烏燈黑火﹐所以他去開燈﹐之後去開門﹐發現門已被鎖﹐然後看鐘,發現自己竟然睡了近兩小時﹗結果他就開始想辦法逃離204了。

and the Matchman Battle (火柴人大戰) by Lau Wing Lok:

I asked the students to put their works in a programming portfolio. A full list is given below. Feel free to comment.

Students' works (ordered by last name):

Cham Hin Cheung: Octopus Simulator System

Chau Chung Yin: Flow-shop problem

Chow Chun Ho: Not yet uploaded

Chu Ming Hei: ism001 project

Chu Po Ling: Java of Fractal Generator! 20071207

Fung Ting Pong, Ching Ho Yee: Java Game—逃出嶺南NAB系列(一)

Ho Ka Wai: ISM001 Project~Fractal generator

Ieong Weng Tat: Java Project

Lau Wing Lok: Matchman Battle (Advance Text Fighter)

Law Mei Kwan: MY JAVA PROJECT-Fractal

Lee Cornwall: ISM001 Project One (井字過三關)

Lok Hey Young: Final Project Puzzle

Ng Ho Lam: ISM001 Project- Fractal

Pang Wing In: My Presentation of Fractal

Tsoi Chung Him: Presentation:JAVA GA (

Wu Po Yu: Fractal


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